
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Chin Advancement (Advancement Genioplasty)

 Chin Advancement (Advancement Genioplasty) is one of the most advanced, precise and sophisticated types of chin surgery to take the lower front part of your chin and bring it forward.  This procedure is more involved than placing a chin implant and requires making incisions in the bone and also stabilizing it at the end with space age technology of rigid fixation.  In some cases bone grafting in front and the top of the chin plate may be necessary to create an attractive final results

Duration of the operation:
The procedure will take approximately 30 minutes to perform

Post operative care:
Antibiotics are prescribed to control infection and swelling.  Cold compress will be applied to face for 24 hours. Your chin will be taped following surgery. Do not remove the tape and reinforce it with additional tape if needed. Take your medications on time and finish the course of treatment. For the first day, liquid food is advised, cold food for 24 hours then soft food for the next five days. Rinse your mouth three or four times a day with warm salted water may brush your teeth if the brush is soft and you are quite careful to keep the bristles away from the stitches.  

Recovery period:
The recovery takes one to two weeks. Most people are back to work within a week or two. We encourage our patients to return to work as soon as they can within few days after surgery.

Possible risk and complications:
As with any surgery, there is always a possibility of complications following chin surgery, including infection, bleeding, a reaction to the anesthesia, hematoma (localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel), seroma (a mass or swelling), extrusion (the implant works its way back up to the skin surface), capsular contracture (excess tightening of the scar tissue) which may distort the implant, asymmetry, nerve damage and bone erosion.

Anesthesia use:
Local Anesthetic (while you are awake), combined with a sedative to make you drowsy. You'll be awake but relaxed.

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis.

Preparation before Surgery
  • Avoid aspirin, any aspirin containing medication or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), such as Motrin or Advil, for one week prior to treatment. Because aspirin thins the blood, it can interfere with normal blood clotting and increase the risk of bleeding and bruising
  • Smoking inhibits the healing process, so stop smoking before your procedure and if you start again, make sure it is after you are completely healed
  • Avoid drinking alcohol a few days before your surgery
  • Make sure to not to eat or drink for at least 8 hours prior to your surgery
  • Make sure that you arrange for someone to bring you home
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests. X-rays may be taken to evaluate the individual's bone structure.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

For more information about the procedures you may contact: International Marketing, or call   mobile phone: +66816572522, Tel: (02) 753-9206, or visit our website:

Thailand's Best Plastic Surgery: Augmented Rhinoplasty (Nose Augmentation)

Thailand's Best Plastic Surgery: Augmented Rhinoplasty (Nose Augmentation): "Augmented Rhinoplasty is very common among Asians and non-Caucasians to correct a flat nose with a round bulbous tip and flaring nostri..."

For Your Cosmetic Surgery, Why Thailand?: Augmented Rhinoplasty (Nose Augmentation)

For Your Cosmetic Surgery, Why Thailand?: Augmented Rhinoplasty (Nose Augmentation): "Augmented Rhinoplasty is very common among Asians and non-Caucasians to correct a flat nose with a round bulbous tip and flaring nostri..."

Facial Surgery Thailand: Augmented Rhinoplasty (Nose Augmentation)

Facial Surgery Thailand: Augmented Rhinoplasty (Nose Augmentation): "Augmented Rhinoplasty is very common among Asians and non-Caucasians to correct a flat nose with a round bulbous tip and flaring nostri..."

Augmented Rhinoplasty (Nose Augmentation)

Augmented Rhinoplasty is very common among Asians and non-Caucasians to correct a flat nose with a round bulbous tip and flaring nostrils. The aim is to build an aesthetically pleasing nasal bridge with an elegant projection and well defined nasal tip, and at the same time narrow the flaring nostril base. An implant is usually used.

The implanted material is biocompatible and extremely safe. Incisions are made inside the rim of the nostrils. Soft tissues of the nose are then separated from the underlying structure to create the appropriate space for nose implant projecting the nasal tip and increase the height of the nose.

Of all the procedures performed by plastic surgeons, rhinoplasty is the most challenging. And it is with this procedure that society judges you by its shape and the skills of the surgeon because the nose is the first thing you see when you look at someone. There is no way to hide the nose, before or after the procedure. Noses are so variable in size and shape that it is hard to define what is normal. Every nose is different and every result should be different, fitting the patient’s face.

Nothing defines your appearance quite like your nose. Like it or not, people identify and even judge you by its shape and size. If your nose overwhelms your other features, it can hamper your self confidence by affecting your looks. That’s especially true if you are transitioning from your birth gender as a male to your new gender as a female. Having the nose that is bigger and wider than the small, narrowed version found in most women can ruin the feminine identity you wish to project. Can it be changed? Yes. By reshaping your nasal contours, rhinoplasty is one of the most important operations in facial feminization.

If you’re a transgender individual, your nose presents one of the most obvious facial challenges to your feminity. Distinct differences are found between the sexes. First, male nose are larger in every aspect than in female noses. They’re longer and wider with larger nostrils and generally bulkier tips than those features in women. Second, a man’s nose points either ahead or slightly downward at the base, as opposed to a woman’s nose which points slightly upward at its base. The female bridge in some ethnicities also “scoops” or dips before sloping gently straight downward or into a slightly upturned tip. 

Third, and perhaps most important, the angles between the nose and the forehead, and between the nose and the upper lip tend to be sharper in men than woman. As a male you may not have the chiseled profile but your nose likely projects off your forehead in a more abrupt way. You may even sport an unsightly bump, called a dorsal hump.

In changing our nose to fit your new gender, your surgeon will make sure that it not only slopes gently from your forehead but also is free of any humps or bumps. He or she will also downsize and resculpt until this part of your face fully reflects your new identity. 

Thailand's Best Plastic Surgery: Temporal Fossa Augmentation

Thailand's Best Plastic Surgery: Temporal Fossa Augmentation: "The temporal fossa is located above your cheekbones, just to the side of your eyes. It is the shallow depression of your skull. You know..."

Facial Surgery Thailand: Temporal Fossa Augmentation

Facial Surgery Thailand: Temporal Fossa Augmentation: "The temporal fossa is located above your cheekbones, just to the side of your eyes. It is the shallow depression of your skull. You know..."